REGMEX scientific and academic products

Additional prodcuts derived from our activities


Here we list our published works using REGMEX data.

  1. P. Corona-Romero, J.A. Gonzalez-Esparza, P. Villanueva-Hernandez, E. Andrade-Mascote, C.I. Castellanos-Velazco, A.R. Espinosa-Jimenez, M.A. Sergeeva, The Geomagnetic Stations Network of Mexico (REGMEX): The initial steps towards a real-time monitoring of geomagnetic activity in Mexico. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 256, 2024, ISSN 1364-6826,
  2. Gonzalez‐Esparza, J. A., Sanchez‐Garcia, E., Sergeeva, M., Corona‐Romero, P., Gonzalez‐Mendez, L. X., Valdes‐Galicia, J. F., et al.  The mother's day geomagnetic storm on 10 May 2024: Aurora observations and low latitude space weather effects in Mexico. Space Weather, 22, 2024,

Associated Students

Students play a fundamental role in REGMEX's technical and scientific activities. Here we present the most relevant products made by them.

Regional Condicions Nowcast

Near real-time condition of the geomagnetic field in Mexico.

Scientific Products

Scientifica publications and Academic activities.

Data Files and Plots

Montly plots and data-files of our regional geomagnetic indices.