Regional Conditions in Mexico
Near real-time values of regional geomagnetic indices

Regional geomagnetic indices are local counterparts of
planetary indices of geomagnetic activity. Geomagnetic
indices are tools used to monitoring deviations on regular
behavior of magnetic field. They are mainly used to
identify the effects of space weather on the Earth's
The REGMEX array computes local indices for each
operational geomagnetic station (GMS) named K_gms and
ΔH_gms. Our GMS are listed on the right side of this page.
REGMEX also computes the Mexican K-index (Kmex)
and the regional (Mexican) counterpart of planetary
Dst-index (ΔHmex). The near real-timet
values of those indices are plot below.
We publish two versions of our indices, the first one is
an early (nowcast) version available in near real-time.
Few weeks latter, we delivere a final (definitive) version
of our indices. You can find our data files in our Products
and Data section.
Kmex - Near Real-Time

K indices aims to isolate solar-wind-material effects on
the horizontal component of the Earth's magnetic field;
over a 3-hour period. These indices classify into
disturbance levels, each one relates almost
logarithmically to its corresponding disturbance
amplitude. Three-hour indices discriminate conservatively
between true magnetic field perturbations and the
quiet-day variations produced by ionospheric currents.
K index range in 28 steps from 0 (quiet) to 9 (greatly
disturbed) with fractional parts expressed in thirds of a
unit. A K-value equal to 27, for example, means 2 and 2/3
or 3-; a -value equal to 30 means 3 and 0/3 or 3 exactly;
and a K-value equal to 33 means 3 and 1/3 or 3+. The
arithmetic mean of the K values scaled at the operative
geomagnetic stations of REGMEX array gives Kmex.
Text of Juergen Matzka, adapted from GFZ.
ΔHmex - Near Real-Time

ΔH index is the regional counterpart of the disturbance
storm time (Dst) index with out translation to the
magnetic Earth's dipole. It is widely use in the context
of space weather.
ΔH gives information about the regional magnetic
manifestations of temporal intensification of ionospheric
currents. These corrents include the ring current, DP2 and
Ddyn currents.
Negative values of ΔH imply that regional geomagnetic
field is weakened. This is particularly the case during
geomagnetic storms. In contrast, positve values of ΔH mean
a regional intensification of the magnetic field of the
Text adapted from Wikipedia.