REGMEX data policy
Data and information fair usage
4th Title: About Open Access to Information Derived from Humanities,
Sciencies, Technologies and Innovation supported by the Mexican State
Chapter I - On Open Access
Article 56. In order to guarantee the human right to science, as well
as the public interest, the information derived from the activities of humanistic and
scientific research, technological development and innovation supported by the Mexican State
shall invariably be open access, without prejudice to the applicable provisions on
intellectual property, National Security or personal data protection, among others.
The Space Weather National Laboratory (LANCE) is hosted and supported by public (Mexican)
means, resources, and infraestructure. In consequence and, as the Mexican Law mandates,
all the products from LANCE, including those from REGMEX array, are open access.
Besides the Mexican law, REGMEX array, as many other partners among the scientific world, has adopted
an open and free access policy concerning our data. Here we understand by data the products derived
from our scientific research and technological innovation like information, algorithms, scientific
source code, documentation, models, images, and research results, among others.
Our Data Policy
Bibliographic citations should be included in the References section of publications and
other related products or media to acknowledge the effort in creating and maintaining
the data, provided by LANCE/REGMEX. Proper citations include the authors, title, publisher, and DOI.
The list of research work available to citation is located at Publications Section.
In addition, REGMEX array shall be acknowledged as a data source when any of its data
are used, this statement is particularly relevant to scientific and
technological purposes. One standard format for acknowledgement is:
We acknowledge the use of data and/or products from REGMEX array
(, an initiative of the Space Weather National Laboratory
( Identifier (DOI or URL, when available).
Fair usage of our data
Data Rights and Related Issues
In order to provide REGMEX's data, we ask our Users to
willingly agree and follow the next Cooperation Agreement:
1. Data exchanged between LANCE/REGMEX and the User under this Cooperation
Agreement of will be exchanged without restriction as to its disclosure, use,
or duplication except as otherwise provided below.
2. Data provided by REGMEX are, and shall stay, as open and free access,
the User has no authority to modified these attributes. If there is abscence
of any licency condition on data, the User shall assume to be aplicable GNU
General Public License version 3.
3. The User shall acknowledge REGMEX's efforts to produce and distribute
data and shall allow the data to be discovered and used by others, by
crediting REGMEX as the source of the data and citing the relevant scientific
work of the REGMEX team.
4. The user is in the knowledge that REGMEX data is provided without any
warranty of any kind, either express, implied, or statutory, including,
but not limited to, any warranty that the software or data sets will conform
to specifications, any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a
particular purpose, and freedom from infringement, or any warranty that the
software or data sets will be error free.
5. In no event shall REGMEX/LANCE be liable for any damages, including,
but not limited to direct, indirect, special, or consequential damages,
arising out of, resulting from, or in any way connected or related with the
use, modification, impelementation, manegement or distribution of our data.
The REGMEX team is committed to the production and distribution of high quality scientifica data. Our commitment is also oriented to the satisfaction of our Users, for whom we are always open to maintain communication to guide them in the acquisition and use of our data.