Geomagnetic Station of Iturbide
Learn more about ITU

Geomagnetic Station of Iturbide is located in the facilities of the University Astronomic Observatory, Physical-Mathematical Sciences Faculty, at the Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon (UANL).
The University Astronomical Observatory is located northeast of the Sierra de Iturbide, Nuevo León, at a height of 2,400 meters above sea level. One of the best places to perform astronomical observations in Mexico. The observatory is a beautiful and incredible place, where nature and science mix together.

The geomagnetic station consists in three main elements. A sensor that properly meauseres the magnetic field, a control unit that brings power to the sensor and translates the sensor's registers to physical units; and finaly, a adquisition computer that gathers data and send them to our data management system. The sensor is settled inside a cube of cement and protected by an external extrucure of high resistance PVC.
ITU is located at the top of a calcareous rocks mountain, and it is surounded by a coniferous forest. The real time measurements of local magnetic field at ITU are: